12 暗譜のコツ how to memorize song (メロディー)

暗譜のコツ how to memorize song (メロディー)


譜面を見ないで練習した量 how much practice without looking sheet music


譜面を見ないように していく必要があります

when memorizing songs /using opposite approach from sight reading

is good /to get  many times playing without looking sheet music


譜面を見ないで弾いた回数で しっかり練習をしたかどうかを見極めます

how much time you practiced with out looking sheet music is very important thing to memorize especially good sight reading people can’t memorize happens because they read many times not practicing memorizing




小さい単位にわけて繰り返すこと practice and repeat from very small fragment

覚えることが可能なくらい 小さい単位にわけて繰り返すこと
覚えたら 次の箇所で同じことを繰り返すこと



with that approach

practice from very small fragment that is easy to memorize

and again and again small fragment many times and next small fragment and connect

repeating this  and it will be big size memorize!


5ステップス メロディーの覚えかた

5steps to memorize the melody

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